Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I went to Cusco last week, it was sunny.
Cusco is a city in the Andes, in the South East of Peru.
It was the capitol city of the Inca Empire also known as "Tahuantinsuyo", Tahuantinsuyo means "four regions".
Cusco was in the middle of the four regions so the Incas believed that Cusco was the "belly button" of the World.

Osito Marqueteado Artesanal

Osito Marqueteado Artesanal
Se utilizan distintas especies de madera para obtener los diferentes tonos

Muñeco Marqueteado

Muñeco Marqueteado
Realizado a mano artesanalmente no hay dos iguales. Se utiliazron tintes para darle los colores